Get a Vajacial!

Get a Vajacial!

What the Heck is a Vajacial or Vagicial Treatment?

WTH, I bet that was your first reaction, what the heck is that? A Vajacial, or Vagacial, or who knows how or what you call it or spell it. LOL
When you think of getting a facial at a spa, you probably imagine lying back while an esthetician applies creams, toners, and scrubs to your skin — maybe a pair of cooling cucumber slices over your eyes for added dramatic effect. What you’re probably not picturing is exfoliation in your bikini area or an LED light between your legs. But if you’re getting our Blush Buff facial — AKA a “vajacial or vagacial” — that’s likely what’s going down.

What is a Blush Buff Treatment?

For those of you new to the concept, the vajacial is a spa treatment performed on the vulva of the vagina. Focusing on the bikini line and outer labia. It does not actually deal with the inter vagina. This treatment treats ingrown hairs, removes dead skin cells, smooths bumps around the bikini line, prevents acne, helps with hyperpigmentation, all to maintain healthy and hydrated skin in the vaginal area. If you’ve not ever suffered from ingrown hairs or bumps, there is no need of getting a vajacial treatment unless you’re doing it for reasons best known to you. Those are its main functions and if you’ve got those problems, getting a vajacial treatment is the right solution.

Soo…. what actually happens?

A Blush Buff is typically a 30 to 70-minute treatment, which includes a cleanse, mild enzyme exfoliant, extractions of ingrown hairs, followed by a soothing mask, completed with a skin brightening serum or spot treatment. In some instances, steam may be used through the cleansing or exfoliating process. It can be paired with a brazilian or bikini waxing . If you upgrade with any lightening agents, a 5-day post waxing is suggested.


What are some of the benefits of a Blush Buff Vajacial?

Vajacials can help with evening out skin tone around the bikini and get rid of bacteria and skin-brightening treatments to lessen discoloration and hyperpigmentation. Helps with vaginal skincare, preventing irritation from waxing/shaving. Along with maintaining upkeep and promoting cosmetic benefits of the vagina, the vajacial also promotes body positivity.

Book one session to jump-start a more cosmetically appealing skin tone or utilize it as an added benefit to other treatments! Schedule your Blush Buff treatment and add on a waxing service for best results if you are not hairfree. Speak with a knowledgeable therapist about your journey towards renewed skin. Transform your intimate areas, look for this treatment in the women’s waxing section, book the bundle Blush Buff Treatment and be hair, ingrown and hyperpigmentation FREE!