Top 4 Points Before You Apply Eyelash Extensions

Top 4 Points Before You Apply Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension is a painless procedure to add the artificial lashes to the existing eyelashes. These artificial eyelashes are light-weight and organic, which are hardly noticeable and very comfortable to wear. There are many types of eyelash extensions in Houston with their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Before you add eyelash extensions, you should clean your eyelashes and make sure that it contains no residue, oil or dirt which may spoil the adhesives.

Top 4 Points To Consider While Getting Eyelash Extensions In Houston:-

According to the Huffpost,  most women don’t have the time or patience to apply fake eyelashes every day. (We barely have enough time to use an eyelash curler!) So it’s no surprise that lash extensions have become increasingly popular in recent years. Eyelash extensions are the individual lashes which are made up of various materials like mink, silk, human hair or synthetic, which are adhered 1mm from the base of the natural eyelash.

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Below are 4 top points which you must know before you get eyelash extensions Houston:

  • Certified technicians: – While you search for someone to apply Eyelash Extensions in Houston, you should ensure they are certified technicians. The certified technicians take appropriate steps like what product to use to avoid irritation, how to spot the allergic reactions and other necessary precautionary steps.
  • Allergic reactions: – Although there is a little chance for the allergic reactions to occur, they do occur. You should be aware of these products before using it and confirm that the products which you are using have no such history.
  • Cleanliness: – While getting Eyelash extensions in Houston, you should make sure that the technicians you have selected are working in a clean environment. In addition, you must also confirm that they wear masks, wash their hands properly, use sanitary pillow covers and use the disposable eyelash brushes.
  • Product quality:- It has been found in research that 26.5 % of people getting eyelash extensions have experienced reactions like swollen eyelids, itchiness, and swollen eyelids. All these are related to the quality of the product, especially the glue which contains formaldehyde. You can reduce the chances of these reactions using the quality American made glue which contains no such chemicals.

There are a number of factors which need to be considered while going for eyelash extensions in Houston like size, curl type, length and number of lashes. Your lash stylist at Beyond Beauty Boutique customizes your final result according to the final result you wish to see and the shape of your face and eye structure.

Although this procedure is time taking and expensive, it provides the additional emphasis to the eyes. Beyond Beauty Boutiuqe customizes your look with different curl types, not just the one other businesses use. Book Your Fabulous Today!