Do I Really Benefit From Prenatal Massage?

Do I Really Benefit From Prenatal Massage?

Yes! Prenatal massage is therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. It enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves circulation and general body tone, and relieves mental and physical fatigue. The gentle, noninvasive approach of prenatal massage can ease discomfort associated with pregnancy, help the mother-to-be prepare for labor and give her nurturing emotional support. What better way for the support of the physiologic, structural and emotional well being of both the mother and the fetus to obtain a relaxed and most comfortable pregnancy.

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The Power of Touch

Your muscles will certainly appreciate a massage when they’ve been carrying around an extra load. Plus, the weight of your growing baby can cause leg muscles to tense and swell. This inflames nearby nerves and can lead to sciatic nerve pain. “Applying mild pressure to your muscle groups helps reduce swelling by stimulating blood flow throughout your body,” says Alexis, our certified Prenatal licensed massage therapist at Beyond Beauty Boutique.

Beyond relieving tight muscles, there are other advantages of prenatal massage: Studies from the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami suggest that moms-to-be who get a weekly massage have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and higher levels of the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine. Researchers have linked these hormonal changes to fewer childbirth complications, including a 75 percent reduction in premature births among depressed women. Though you don’t need to be depressed to reap the benefits of massage, another Touch Research Institute study found that pregnant women suffering from depression had significant improvement in mood, as well as decreased anxiety, after receiving a 20-minute massage twice a week.

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Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy

According to  Other potential benefits of prenatal massage:

  • Reduced back pain
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced edema
  • Reduced muscle tension and headaches
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
  • Better sleep

 Prenatal Massage During First Trimester:

Among some of the myths and old wives’ tales surrounding prenatal massage is the misguided belief that massage should be avoided during the first trimester. It’s fair to say that under the skilled hands of Beyond Beauty Boutique’s certified prenatal practitioner, massage during the first trimester is not only safe, but can be especially supportive during the transitional first months.

During the first trimester, your symptoms are likely less to do with body pain from carrying your growing baby and more a result of your body adjusting to the influx of powerful hormones. A prenatal massage can help by relieving some of the headaches, constipation, and even the morning sickness you’ve been experiencing during the early phase of your pregnancy.

The first trimester can be a stressful time for some mothers, especially if they haven’t shared their big news with families and friends yet. Aside from the physical benefits of a massage, simply taking the time to relax deeply will do wonders for your overall well-being as you prepare to become a new mother!

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You Deserve to Lay Back and Take the Weight Off.

Prenatal Massage  During Second Trimester:

Those early pregnancy symptoms are subsiding, and your belly is growing. You’re looking like you just ate a large meal, and you’re feeling your baby move around inside you. Many women find the second trimester of pregnancy to be easy going compared to the first and third trimesters.

However, there are still many reasons to begin (or continue) a routine of prenatal massage during the second trimester. As your belly grows, your posture will change as your center of gravity shifts, resulting in back pain. Prenatal massages can ease those tense back muscles as well as enhance your posture and bodily alignment.

You may also have begun to get out of breath more quickly, even from those frequent short jogs to and from the bathroom. By increasing relaxation and increasing blood flow (and therefore oxygenation of tissues), a prenatal massage will help ensure that your body’s tissues remain healthy and loose.

While the second trimester tends to be easier for many expectant mothers, don’t forget that your body and mind still benefit greatly from the healthy habits you’ve adopted.

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Prenatal Massage During Third Trimester:

It’s the final countdown (cue the music).  As your due date approaches, those swollen feet and heartburn are kicking in. Not to mention, that baby is getting a bit heavy! You may also find that the anticipation of delivery has increased your stress levels.

This means it is the perfect time for you to book yourself a massage.

You’ll find that regular prenatal massages during this trimester can enhance your sleep, reduce pain and swelling, and generally assist in lowering stress as the delivery day draws near. Third trimester massages can even help prepare your pelvic muscles for the birthing process. Beyond Beauty Boutique encorporates special pillows and pads to provide for comfortable positioning of our clients, making even face down positions comfortable.

Your back will love more attention in the third trimester!

Some women find deep tissue massages especially helpful during the final stretch of pregnancy, though it’s always best to consult with your obstetrician and massage therapist beforehand.

From the early stages of your pregnancy to the days before delivery, prenatal massages offer numerous benefits both for your body and mind.

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How to find a massage therapist who specializes in pregnancy massage?

Beyond Beauty Boutique offers a highly attentive and trained massage therapist who specializes in pregnancy massage. We offer the relief and relaxation your changing body deserves and needs, book your next massage today! Get 15% off your first visit! Mention Code: PRENATAL when scheduling. Exp. May 28th, 2018

Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Hart, S., Theakston, H., Schanberg, S., Kuhn, C. & Burman, I. (1999). Pregnant women benefit from massage therapy. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 20, 31-38.